Transform the Way You Age!


Change Your Limiting Beliefs About Aging.

Identify Personal Challenges & Develop Strategies.

Take Action to Increase Your Longevity and Transform Aging into Sageing.

This life-changing 1:1 coaching program, “Transform the Way You Age,” is for women who are bold enough to change their beliefs about aging and extend longevity by creating a fresh, new life where they age joyfully, confidently, and purposefully.

If this sounds like something you would choose for yourself and your life, read on! 
  • Imagine what it would be like to create less fear and more fun in your life as you age.
  • Discover your purpose for living longer and get going on manifesting it.
  • Feeling “invisible” in social and business situations? Make them sit up and notice you.
  • Your body is beginning to look and feel “unfamiliar”; you want to feel good about it again!
  • You need to get a consistently excellent night’s sleep.
  • You’d like to silence the nagging voice in your head that tells you scary stories about aging.
  • You may be curious about how to use Medical Cannabis for health & well-being.
  • You’d be overjoyed to participate in a community of engaged, supportive, collaborative, like-minded women.
  • You prefer to work with a Guide who has experienced the challenges and joys of aging and who has emerged as a stronger, wiser, happier, more powerful woman.
If you find yourself nodding “yes” to even one of the above statements, I invite you to join me in the “Transform the Way You Age” Coaching Program.
Some of the benefits you’ll receive:
  • Strategies to help you get a good night’s sleep.
  • Age confidently by uncovering limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones.
  • Learn to listen to your body’s wisdom and what it’s trying to tell you.
  • Create a physical activity program based on your personal taste and abilities.
  • Find out what makes you want to get out of bed each morning.
  • Rediscover how to have fun!
  • Learn simple techniques for creating resourceful states of mind when you need them most.
  • Support from your Guide for making the life changes you desire.
Nine private Zoom coaching sessions spread over three months.
Membership in a private online Facebook community, Wild Women of Wisdom

A place to get and give support by posting your questions, answering group members’ questions, and posting questions for me, your Guide.

 The “Transform the Way You Age” Coaching Program is for women who want to change aging into “sageing” and have fun doing it! 

I could have written one of those SUPER long and annoying sales letters where the same information is repeated to convince you that you need to invest in this Program, but I’m guessing your time is as valuable as mine.

By now, you either want to participate or you don’t.

Before you make this commitment, you must ask yourself the following questions:
  • Am I committed to attending every session? Unexpected circumstances are an exception.
  • Will My Coach/Guide be able to rely on me to be accountable?
  • Will I participate in the private online group and post my wins weekly?

 Please consider these commitments carefully. They will be instrumental in determining your degree of success in this Program.

Half-hearted efforts will bring disappointing results – and I want you to be so successful that you’ll feel reborn!

If you’ve read this far and are inspired to begin, contact me to discuss joining my “Transform the Way You Age” Coaching Program.

If you have questions about the “Transform the Way You Age” Coaching Program, email me at ta**@ta********.com. Or, you can contact me by telephone at (650) 995-4343.

Your comments or questions are welcome.
Here is my story:

I’ve been on the path to aging powerfully for the past 25 years. And until I uncovered the limiting beliefs I had about myself and about aging, I was unable to make significant and lasting life changes. Fifteen years ago, after a 30-year hiatus, I rediscovered NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and through this practice, I transformed my limiting beliefs into more empowering ones.

At age 57, I had a “do or die” experience that forced me to choose whether I wanted a life of health and joy or no life at all. I chose life. That experience made me want to help other women afraid of aging, encouraging them to find their strength and live fully and passionately. 

Today, I am living a life that I previously considered impossible. I created this new life for myself by making new choices. By sharing my story with you, I hope to help you realize that you, too, can change the way you age.

My vision is to change the way women think about aging and help women emerge proud of their age and ready to share their acquired wisdom.

My mission is to help you discover and develop the resources you already possess and replace your limiting beliefs about aging with more empowering ones.

This is why I’ve created the “Transform the Way You Age” Coaching Program.

This Program will not transform you into who you were 10, 20, or even 30 years ago. It will not remove the inevitable challenges you’ll face as you age.

It will offer you information, support, and tools to create resourceful states so you can help yourself! As your Guide and Mentor, I will support you in discovering and changing your limiting beliefs about aging, provide a safe space to explore what aging means to you, and help you increase your longevity

If you would like to be a part of this program, let’s talk.

Transform the Way You Age Program Pricing

I offer tiered, pay-what-you-can-afford pricing. Why?

Because I want the women I serve to have a choice about which price currently fits their financial circumstances.

I am creating a space that both supports you and helps you maintain and even increase your financial resources. Those of you who choose the top tier are helping other women with fewer resources afford the two lower tiers; you are paying it forward.

I choose to trust you will pick the tier that most closely aligns with your financial capabilities.